We've been taught that for God to move, we must move first. He then counteracts our move. His move will always be better than our moves. Therefore, to release His best moves, we should move better. The better we move, the better God moves. Bottomline: He will never move unless we do. WE'VE BEEN TAUGHT WRONG. This illustration is misleading! By comparing Christian life to a chess game we think: "If I serve really well, God will reward me well." "If I give a lot of money to offerings, God will multiply the money that's left." "If I pray really hard for something, God will answer it for sure." Chess works this way. The players take turns. No move, no counter. How it looks like: the believer challenges God to make a move. First of all, I am not a Bible scholar. I am just posting my personal insight on the subject. Your opinions insights, and corrections are welcome. Just leave a comment, but ple...